America's Home Place Nashville - The Driveway is Almost Here!

 To say I'm excited is an understatement. SOOO much time has gone into waiting for this. ..and here we are. 

Gaaah!   FINALLY!!!  I can blog about being excited about his house. 

There has been some SERIOUS bumps in the road when it comes to building with America's Home Place, but I believe we finally got the right project manager and people in place and THINGS ARE HAPPENING!

I am almost relieved!  I am almost believing we will get into this house!

I am almost completely convinced that I will have a 100% awesome abode in less than 20 days. 

Man, I want nothing more!

We ran into a little bump with carpet selection due to Covid and the production of the carpet we selected, however, AHP is offering to do an upgrade in flooring to get things done. 

I can't emphasize enough how much America's Home Place has stepped up to the plate this past week and has started making amends for our adventure to date. 

In an a very odd way, I am lucky for the delays and mismanagement early on because it looks like everything is going to turn out ok and America's Home Place isn't going to let me be sad or dissatisfied with their build.  (At least the main office isn't!)   

I hope to share a hundred more photos of a beautifully built home in the next 20 days.  

To be continued.....


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